The Ohio State University
Number Theory Seminar

3/3/2025 - Freddy Saia (University of Illinois Chicago) - Explicit surjectivity for Galois representations of products of elliptic curves over function fields (abstract)

Mondays 4:00pm
MW 154
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Jim Cogdell
Ghaith Hiary
Roman Holowinsky
Wenzhi Luo
Jennifer Park
Stefan Patrikis
Warren Sinnott
Scheduled Talks
  • Seminars will be a mix of in-person and remote talks, as indicated in the weekly schedule below. For the link, please email patrikis.1 at
  • 3/3/2024 - Freddy Saia (UIC) - Explicit surjectivity for Galois representations of products of elliptic curves over function fields (abstract)
    Abstract: It is natural to study the torsion of an elliptic curve via its Galois representations, which encode the action of Galois on torsion points. Serre’s Open Image Theorem tells us that for an elliptic curve E over a number field K, the mod-$\ell$ Galois representation is surjective for all sufficiently large primes $\ell$. Since Serre’s work, considerable effort has gone towards obtaining extensions to other classes of abelian varieties and also towards making “sufficiently large” effective. I will discuss joint work with Alina Cojocaru, in which we obtain an explicit surjectivity result for products of elliptic curves over function fields. This comes from careful use of techniques of Masser—W{\"u}stholz from the number field setting, in combination with a result of Cojocaru—Hall for elliptic curves over function fields and recent isogeny bounds for elliptic curves over function fields due to Griffon—Pazuki. As an application, we prove that most specializations of certain families of products of elliptic curves over the rationals have no large exceptional primes.
  • 12/2/2024 (Zoom) - Shilpi Mandal (Emory) - Strong u-invariant and Period-Index Bounds (abstract)
  • 11/25/2024 - Asimina Hamakiotes (UConn) - Abelian extensions arising from elliptic curves with complex multiplication (abstract)
  • 11/4/2024 - Jacob Mayle (Wake Forest) - Effective Results on Galois Representations of Elliptic Curves (abstract)
  • 10/28/2024 - Benjamin York (UConn) - Models of CM elliptic curves with prescribed $\ell$-adic Galois image (abstract)
  • 10/21/2024 - HAAR Seminar (Simon Marshall, University of Wisconsin)
  • 10/14/2024 - HAAR Seminar (Brad Rodgers, Queen's University)
  • 10/7/2024 (Zoom) - Deewang Bhamidipati (UC Santa Cruz) - Strata intersections in some unitary Shimura varieties (abstract)
  • 9/16/2024 - Ryan Chen (MIT) - Fourier coefficients and arithmetic 1-cycles (abstract)
  • 8/26/2024 - John Yin (OSU) - A Chebotarev density theorem over local fields (abstract)
  • 4/15/2024 (Zoom) - Ross Paterson (University of Bristol) - Quadratic twists as random variables (abstract)
  • 4/8/2024 (9:15am, CH228) - Olivia Beckwith (Tulane University) - Imaginary quadratic fields with p-torsion-free class groups and specified split primes (abstract)
  • 4/1/2024 - Yujie Xu (Columbia University) - On the geometry of integral models of Shimura varieties (abstract)
  • 3/18/2024 - Abbey Bourdon (Wake Forest University) - An Algorithm for Isolated $j$-invariants (abstract)
  • 3/25/2024 (HAAR seminar)- Salim Taylou (Harvard) - Mixed mock modularity of special divisors
  • 2/26/2024 - John Voight (Dartmouth) - On abelian varieties whose torsion is not self-dual (abstract)
  • 1/22/2024 (HAAR seminar)- Mike Daas (Leiden) - A p-adic analogue of a formula by Gross and Zagier (Zoom)
  • 1/8/2024 (HAAR seminar)- Jerry Wang (Waterloo) - On the squarefree values of $a^4 + b^3$ (Zoom)
  • 11/27/2023 - Julian Lyczak (University of Bath) - Paucity of rational points on fibrations with multiple fibres (Zoom) (abstract)
  • 11/20/2023 - Nick Rome (TU Graz) - The arithmetic of the norm one torus (Zoom) (abstract)
  • 10/8/2023 - Shiva Chidambaram (MIT) - Computing Q-isogeny classes of principally polarized abelian surfaces. (abstract)
  • 9/25/2023 - Tyler Genao (OSU) - Uniform bounds on torsion of elliptic curves in geometric isogeny classes (abstract)
  • 9/11/2023 - Ariel Weiss (OSU) - Rank growth of elliptic curves over N-th root extensions (abstract)
  • 8/28/2023 - Alex Cowan (Harvard) - A twisted additive divisor problem (abstract)
  • 4/17/2023-4/19/2023 - Zassenhaus Lectures Bhargav Bhatt (IAS/Princeton) - Prismatic cohomology and applications
  • 4/13/2023-4/14/2023 - OSU Number Theory Seminar Series
  • 4/10/2023 - Tian Wang (University of Illinois at Chicago) - Effective open image theorem for a product of GSp-type abelian varieties (abstract)
    In the 1970s, Serre and Ribet proved the Open Image Theorem (OIT) for a product of non-CM, non-isogenous elliptic curves, asserting that for sufficiently large prime $\ell$, the mod-$\ell$ Galois representation is surjective in an appropriate matrix group. Since then, a lot of work has been done on the explicit bounds of the largest prime $\ell$ for which the mod-$\ell$ Galois representation is nonsurjective. A similar version of the OIT holds for a product of GSp-type abelian varieties due to the work of Serre and Hindry-Ratazzi. We will give an explicit bound of the largest nonsurjective prime $\ell$ for a product of GSp-type abelian varieties in terms of their standard invariants. This is joint work with Jacob Mayle.
  • 4/3/2023 - HAAR seminar (Nina Zubrilina)
  • 3/27/2023 - HAAR seminar (Maksym Radziwill)
  • 3/20/2023 - Jeremy Booher (University of Florida) - Lifting $G$-Valued Galois Representations when $\ell \neq p$ (Zoom) (abstract)
  • 3/6/2023 - Ashwin Iyengar (Johns Hopkins) - On local Galois deformation rings when $\ell=p$ (Zoom) (abstract)
  • 2/27/2023 - Brandon Alberts (Eastern Michigan University) - A Random Group with Local Data (in-person) (abstract)
  • 2/20/2023 - Ari Shnidman (Hebrew University) - Bielliptic Picard curves (in-person) (abstract)
  • 2/13/2023 - Pol van Hoften (Stanford) - Hecke orbits on Shimura varieties of Hodge type (abstract)
  • 11/28/2022 - Juanita Duque Rosero (Dartmouth) - Quadratic Chabauty: geometric and explicit (in-person) (abstract)
  • 11/21/2022 - Christopher Keyes (Emory) - Local solubility in families of superelliptic curves (in-person) (abstract)
  • 10/17/2022 - Naomi Sweeting (Harvard) - Kolyvagin's Conjecture and Higher Congruences of Modular Forms (in-person) (abstract)
  • 10/10/2022 - Mohamed Tawfik (King's College London) - Brauer-Manin obstruction on Kummer Surfaces (Zoom) (abstract)
  • 9/26/2022 - Kalyani Kansal (Johns Hopkins) - Intersections of irreducible components of the Emerton-Gee stack for GL_2 (Zoom) (abstract)
  • 9/19/2022 - Luochen Zhao (Johns Hopkins) - Explicit period formulas for totally real p-adic L-functions, à la Cassou-Noguès (Zoom) (abstract)
  • 4/25/2022 - Shantanu Agarwal (University of Iowa) - A converse theorem without root numbers (abstract)
  • 4/21/2022 (4:15pm-5:15pm, MW 154 or join by Zoom. Note unusual day!)- Andrew Kobin (Emory University) - Categorifying quadratic zeta functions (abstract)
  • 3/28/2022 - Aleksander Horawa (University of Michigan) - Motivic action on coherent cohomology of Hilbert modular varieties (abstract)
  • 1/24/2022 - Yunqing Tang (Princeton University) - The unbounded denominators conjecture (abstract)
  • 12/13/2021 - Eun Hye Lee (Stony Brook University) - Subconvexity of Shintani Zeta Functions (abstract)
  • 12/6/2021 - Lue Pan (Princeton University) - p-adic de Rham Galois representations in the completed cohomology of modular curves (abstract)
  • 11/29/2021 - Levent Alpöge (Harvard University) - Effective height bounds for odd-degree totally real points on some curves (abstract)
  • 11/22/2021 *in-person: MW154*- Sarah Arpin (University of Colorado, Boulder) - Adding Level Structure to Supersingular Elliptic Curve Isogeny Graphs (abstract)
  • 11/15/2021 - Jacob Tsimerman (University of Toronto) - Unlikely intersections and the Andre-Oort conjecture (abstract)
  • 11/8/2021 - No seminar: Danny Krashen (University of Pennsylvania) will speak in the Algebra Seminar.
  • 11/1/2021 - Félix Baril Boudreau (Western University) - Computing an L-function modulo a prime (abstract)
  • 10/26/2021, 10:15am-11:15am (note unusual day and time) - Jack Thorne (University of Cambridge) - Symmetric power functoriality for holomorphic modular forms (abstract)
  • 10/18/2021 *in-person: MW154*- Pan Yan (OSU) - $L$-function for $\text{Sp}(4)\times \text{GL}(2)$ via a non-unique model (abstract)
  • 10/11/2021 - Debanjana Kundu (University of British Columbia) - Arithmetic Statistics of Iwasawa Invariants (abstract)
  • 10/4/2021 - Ariel Weiss (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) - Prime torsion in the Tate-Shafarevich groups of abelian varieties over $\mathbb{Q}$ (abstract)
  • 9/20/2021 - Jacob Mayle (University of Illinois at Chicago) - On the effective open image theorem (abstract)
  • 9/13/2021 - Chi-Yun Hsu (UCLA) - Partial classicality of Hilbert modular forms (abstract)
  • 4/19/2021 - Sug Woo Shin (UC Berkeley) - On GSpin(2n)-valued automorphic Galois representations (abstract)
  • 4/5/2021 - Jiuya Wang (Duke University) - Pointwise Bound for $\ell$-torsion of Class Groups (abstract)
  • 3/22/2021 - Hyuk Jun Kweon (MIT) - Bounds on the Torsion Subgroups of Néron-Severi Group Schemes (abstract)
  • 3/1/2021 - Lynnelle Ye (Stanford University) - Properness of Hilbert modular eigenvarieties (abstract)
  • 2/22/2021 - Soumya Sankar (OSU) - Counting elliptic curves with a rational N-isogeny (abstract)
  • 2/15/2021 - Manami Roy (Fordham University) - Counting cuspidal automorphic representation of GSp(4) and its application. (abstract)
  • 2/1/2021 - Eric Stubley (University of Chicago) - Locally Split Galois Representations and Hilbert Modular Forms of Partial Weight One (abstract)
  • 1/25/2021 - Patrick Allen (McGill University) - Modularity of some PGL(2,5) representations (abstract)
  • 11/23/2020 - Caleb Springer (Penn State University) - Abelian varieties and their endomorphism rings (abstract)
  • 11/9/2020 - Guillermo Mantilla-Soler (Aalto University) - A complete invariant for real S_n number fields (abstract)
  • 11/2/2020 - Matilde Lalín (Université de Montréal) - Nonvanishing for cubic L-functions over function fields. (abstract)
  • 10/26/2020 - Naser Talebizadeh Sardari (MPIM) - Vanishing Fourier Coefficients of Hecke Eigenforms (abstract)
  • 10/19/2020 - Efthymios Sofos (University of Glasgow) - Schinzel Hypothesis with probability 1 and rational points (abstract)
  • 10/12/2020 - Shiva Chidambaram (University of Chicago) - Abelian surfaces with fixed 3-torsion (abstract)
  • 10/5/2020 - Koji Shimizu (UC Berkeley) - A p-adic monodromy theorem for de Rham local systems (abstract)
  • 9/28/2020 - Rachel Newton (University of Reading) - Evaluating the wild Brauer group (abstract)
  • 09/21/2020 - Simon Marshall (University of Wisconsin) - Counting cohomological cusp forms on GL_3 (abstract)
  • 09/14/2020 - Preston Wake (Michigan State University) - Tame derivatives and the Eisenstein ideal (abstract)
  • Seminars for the rest of the year cancelled due to university-wide suspension of non-essential events during coronavirus outbreak.
  • 11/25/2019 - Jiakun Pan (TAMU) - Quantum Unique Equidistribution conjecture for Eisenstein series in the level aspect (abstract)
  • 11/18/2019 - Rizwanur Khan (University of Mississippi) - Non-vanishing of Dirichlet L-functions (abstract)
  • 11/4/2019 - Michał Zydor (University of Michigan) - On the Global Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture for unitary groups (abstract)
  • 06/17/2019 - (Joint seminar with ring theory) Sudesh K. Khanduja (IISER Mohali) - A walk through integrally closed domains and their applications in Number Theory (abstract)
  • 04/29/2019 - Jay Jorgenson (CCNY) - Construction of non-holomorphic Eisenstein-type series and their Kronecker limit formulas (abstract)
  • 04/17/2019 - (Wednesday 4:15--5:15, Joint seminar with representation theory) Joachim Schwermer (Universität Wien) - On the general linear group over arithmetic orders, related automorphic representations and corresponding cohomology groups (abstract)
  • 04/15/2019 - Alia Hamieh (University of Northern British Columbia) - Value-Distribution of Cubic Hecke $L$-functions (abstract)
  • 02/25/2019 - Harald Helfgott (Gottingen and CNRS) - Summing $\mu(n)$: a better elementary algorithm (abstract)
  • 01/28/2019 - Lola Thompson (Oberlin) - Counting quaternion algebras with applications to spectral geometry (abstract)
  • 01/14/2019 - Gene Kopp (Bristol) - From Hilbert's 12th problem to complex equiangular lines (abstract)
  • 11/05/2018 - Keshav Aggarwal (OSU) - Application of trivial delta method towards subconvexity (abstract)
  • 10/22/2018 - Elad Zelingher (Yale University) - Exterior square gamma factors for cuspidal representations of $\mathrm{GL}_n$ (abstract)
  • 10/15/2018 - Nicolae Anghel (University of North Texas) - Heron Triangles with Constant Area and Perimeter (abstract)
  • 10/08/2018 - Rongqing Ye (OSU) - Rankin--Selberg gamma factors of level zero representations of $GL_n$ (abstract)
  • 09/17/2018 - Bill Mance (Adam Mickiewicz University) - Normal numbers with respect to the Cantor series expansions and possible applications to studying algebraic varieties (abstract)
  • 03/19/2018 - Andrew Obus (UVA) - Reduction of dynatomic curves: The good, the bad, and the irreducible (abstract)
  • 03/05/2018 - Qing Zhang (Sun Yat-Sen University) - Local converse theorem for unitary groups (abstract)
  • 02/26/2018 - Joseph Vandehey (OSU) - Ergodicity of geometrically complete Iwasawa continued fractions (abstract)
  • 01/29/2018 - Edmund Karasiewicz (UC Santa Cruz) - The Fourier Coefficients of a Minimal Parabolic Eisenstein Series on the Double Cover of GL(3) over Q (abstract)
  • 11/27/2017 - Yeongseong Jo (OSU) - The local exterior square L-function for GL(n) (abstract)
  • 11/20/2017 - Bob Hough (Stony Brook) - The shape of cubic and quartic fields (abstract)
  • 11/13/2017 (3pm in MW154) - Claire Burrin (Rutgers) - Dedekind sums for cofinite Fuchsian groups (abstract)
  • 10/23/2017 - Keshav Aggarwal (OSU) - Hybrid subconvex bound for certain Hecke character L-functions (abstract)
  • 10/16/2017 - Yongxiao Lin (OSU) - Bounds for twists of $\rm GL(3)$ $L$-functions (abstract)
  • 10/09/2017 - Shenhui Liu (University of Toronto) - Central L-values of Maass wave forms (abstract)
  • 10/02/2017 - Roman Holowinsky (OSU) - Subconvexity for twists of automorphic L-functions without the delta method (abstract)
  • 06/01/2017 (Thursday 12.40pm in MW154) - Paul Nelson (ETH Zurich) - Subconvex equidistribution of cusp forms (abstract)
  • 04/24/2017 - Baiying Liu (Purdue) - On the local converse theorem for GL$_n$ (abstract)
  • 04/17/2017 - Bao V. Le Hung (U Chicago) - Congruences between automorphic forms (abstract)
  • 04/03/2017 - Liyang Zhang (Yale University) - Quantum Unique Ergodicity of Degenerate Eisenstein Series on GL(n) (abstract)
  • 03/06/2017 - Kęstutis Česnavičius (UC Berkeley) - The Manin constant in the semistable case (abstract)
  • 02/27/2017 - Jay Jorgenson (CCNY) - Modular Dedekind symbols associated to Fuchsian groups and higher-order Eisenstein series (abstract)
  • 02/20/2017 - Chen Wan (UMN) - Multiplicity one theorem for the Ginzburg-Rallis model (abstract)
  • 02/13/2017 - Ralf Schmidt (Univ. of Oklahoma) - The paramodular conjecture and the representation theory of GSp(4) (abstract)
  • 01/30/2017 - Brad Rodgers (Univ. Michigan) - Sums in short intervals and decompositions of arithmetic functions (abstract)
  • 01/23/2017 - Eric Katz (OSU) - Tropical geometry and torsion point bounds (abstract)
  • 10/10/2016 - Shenhui Liu (OSU) - Central L-derivative values of automorphic forms (abstract)
  • 09/26/2016 - Joseph Vandehey (OSU) - When multiplying by $2$ is a hard thing to do (abstract)
  • 04/25/2016 - Riad Masri (Texas A&M) - Singular moduli and the distribution of partition ranks (abstract)
  • 04/18/2016 - Jonathan Bober (Bristol) - Computing modular forms (abstract)
  • 04/14/2016 (Thursday 4.30pm in MW154) - Hongze Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) - Small gaps between the Piatetski-Shapiro primes (abstract)
  • 04/04/2016 - Pankaj Vishe (Durham) - Hasse principle for higher degree hypersurfaces (abstract)
  • 03/28/2016 - Jack Buttcane (SUNY) - The Kuznetsov formula on GL(3) (abstract)
  • 03/23/2016 (Wednesday 4.30pm in MW154)- Leo Goldmakher (Williams) - Characters and their nonresidues (abstract)
  • 03/07/2016 - Aaron Pollack (Stanford) - The Spin $L$-function on GSp$(6)$ (abstract)
  • 02/22/2016 - Padmavathi Srinivasan (MIT) - Conductors and minimal discriminants of hyperelliptic curves with rational Weierstrass points (abstract)
  • 02/15/2016 - Sheng-Chi Liu (WSU) - The distribution of integral points on homogeneous varieties (abstract)
  • 01/25/2016 - Scott Ahlgren (UIUC) - Kloosterman sums and Maass cusp forms of half integral weight for the modular group (abstract)
  • 11/23/2015 - Ali Altuğ (Columbia University) - Arthur-Selberg trace formula and related problems (abstract)
  • 11/02/2015 - Jay Jorgenson (CCNY) - Recent results in the study of groups of moonshine-type (abstract)
  • 09/21/2015 - Ahmad El-Guindy (Texas A&M University at Qatar) - On Power Eigensystems of Drinfeld-Goss Hecke eigenforms (abstract)
  • 04/13/2015 - Baiying Liu (Utah) - On cuspidality of global Arthur packets of quasi-split classical groups (abstract)
  • 03/30/2015 - Kate Petersen (FSU) - Equidistribution of Norm 1 elements in Number Fields (abstract)
  • 03/24/2015 (Tuesday 4.30pm in CH240) - Guangshi Lü (Shandong University) - Average behaviour of certain arithmetic functions (abstract)
  • 03/23/2015 - Nigel Pitt (Maine) - A cuspidal analogue of Titchmarsh's divisor problem (abstract)
  • 03/09/2015 - Paul Pollack (UGA) - Two analytic problems on CM elliptic curves (abstract)
  • 02/09/2015 - Wissam Raji (AUB) - Unimodularity of zeros of period polynomials of Hecke Eigenforms (abstract)
  • 11/24/2014 - Dani Szpruch (Indiana) - The Langlands Shahidi method and the metaplectic exceptional representations (abstract)
  • 11/10/2014 - Ian Whitehead (UMN) - Toward a Casselman-Shalika Formula for Metaplectic Kac-Moody Groups (abstract)
  • 11/03/2014 - Eyal Kaplan (OSU) - The theta-period of a cuspidal automorphic representation of GL(n) (abstract)
  • 10/27/2014 - Matthew Young (Texas A&M) - Weyl-type hybrid subconvexity bounds for twisted L-functions and Heegner points on shrinking sets (abstract)
  • 10/20/2014 - Min Lee (Bristol) - Shifted multiple Dirichlet series and spectral moments of Rankin-Selberg L-functions (abstract)
  • 10/13/2014 - Meng Zhang (OSU) - Some improvements on Waring-Goldbach problem for fourth powers with almost equal variables (abstract)
  • 10/06/2014 - Sandro Bettin (CRM) - The twisted second moment of the Dirichlet L-functions (abstract)
  • 04/21/2014 - Michael Rubinstein (Waterloo) - Moments of zeta functions associated to hyperelliptic curves (abstract)
  • 04/07/2014 - Paul Bourgade (IAS and Harvard) - Strong Szegö's theorem for $L$ functions (abstract)
  • 03/31/2014 - Adam Harper (Cambridge) - Sharp bounds for moments of the Riemann zeta function (abstract)
  • 03/24/2014 - Steven J Miller (Williams College) - Closed-form moments in elliptic curve families and low-lying zeros (abstract)
  • 03/17/2014 - Tim Browning (Bristol) - The arithmetic of large-dimensional varieties is easy (abstract)
  • 02/24/2014 - Djordje Milićević (Bryn Mawr) - Sub-Weyl subconvexity and short p-adic exponential sums (abstract)
  • 02/17/2014 - Micah Milinovich (Ole Miss) - Estimates for the zeros of the Riemann zeta-function via Fourier analysis (abstract)
  • 02/10/2014 - Maksym Radziwill (IAS) - Some recent interactions between sieves and L-functions (abstract)
  • 02/03/2014 - Joseph Vandehey (UGA) - The unexpected strength of continued fractions on the Heisenberg group (abstract)
  • 01/08/2014 - Farrell Brumley (Paris 13) - Counting cusp forms by analytic conductor (abstract)
  • 11/25/2013 - Rudy Perkins (OSU) - Interpolating evaluation characters and the Anderson generating function for the Carlitz module (abstract)
  • 11/18/2013 - Wing Chung (Jonathan) Lam (OSU) - Second moment of the central values of the symmetric square L-functions (abstract)
  • 11/04/2013 - Zhilin Ye (OSU) - The Second Moment of Rankin-Selberg L-function and Hybrid Subconvexity Bound (abstract)
  • 10/14/2013 - Ghaith Hiary (OSU) - Detecting squarefree numbers (abstract)
  • 10/07/2013 - Zhi Qi (OSU) - Hybrid subconvexity bound of $L(1/2, Sym^2 f \times g)$ (abstract)
  • 09/23/2013 - Fan Zhou (OSU) - Sato-Tate Equidistribution of Satake Parameters of Maass Forms on PGL(N) (abstract)
  • 04/23/2013 - Guillaume Ricotta (Bordeaux) - Fourier coefficients of GL(3) automorphic forms in arithmetic progressions (abstract)
  • 04/08/2013 - Craig Franze (OSU) - An asymptotic expansion related to the Dickman function. (abstract)
  • 04/01/2013 - Joachim Schwermer (Vienna) - On Lefschetz numbers and arithmetically defined hyperbolic 3-manifolds. (abstract)
  • 02/25/2013 - Bruce Berndt (UIUC) - Unpublished Manuscripts Published with Ramanujan's Lost Notebook. (abstract)
  • 02/04/2013 - Youness Lamzouri (York U) - Large Character Sums. (abstract)
  • 01/14/2013 - Dimitris Koukoulopoulos (Montreal) - When the sieve works. (abstract)
  • 12/03/2012 - Ghaith Hiary (Bristol) - Computing Dirichlet $L$-functions. (abstract)
  • 11/19/2012 - Kevin Ford (UIUC) - Sets $S$ of primes with $p$ in $S$ and $q|(p-1)$ implying $q$ in $S$. (abstract)
  • 10/22/2012 - Micah Milinovich (Ole Miss) - Simple zeros of L-functions of modular forms. (abstract)
  • 10/01/2012 - Tim All (OSU) - On p-adic annihilators of real ideal classes. (abstract)
  • 09/24/2012 - David Goss (OSU) - From Carlitz's module to Euler's Gamma function. (abstract)
  • 09/17/2012 - Roman Holowinsky (OSU) - Hybrid Subconvexity Bounds for Rankin-Selberg Convolutions. (abstract)
  • 09/10/2012 - Jim Cogdell (OSU) - The local Langlands correspondence for GL(n) and the symmetric and exterior square $\varepsilon$-factors (abstract)
  • 05/21/2012 - Sun Kim (OSU) - Bessel function series and the circle and divisor problems. (abstract)
  • 04/30/2012 - Ben Brubaker (MIT) - Demazure operators and Iwahori Whittaker functions. (abstract)
  • 04/23/2012 - Hourong Qin (Nanjing) - The Local $L$-series of CM Elliptic Curves and Quadratic Polynomials Represent Primes. (abstract)
  • 04/16/2012 - Peng Zhao (Princeton) - The Quantum Variance of PSL(2,Z)\PSL(2,R). (abstract)
  • 03/12/2012 - Henry Kim (Toronto) - Application of the strong Artin conjecture to the class number problem. (abstract)
  • 02/09/2012 - Guillaume Ricotta (Bordeaux) - Height of Heegner points. (abstract)
  • 12/05/2011 - Nathan Conrad Jones (University of Mississippi) - An alternative view of primitivity of Dirichlet characters. (abstract)
  • 10/18/2011 (1:30 pm) - Amy DeCelles (Goshen) - Number theoretic applications of the automorphic spectral theory of higher rank groups. (abstract)
  • 10/10/2011 - Federico Pellarin (St. Etienne) - On the values of certain L-series at ``even" positive integers. (abstract)
  • 10/03/2011 - Kenneth Ward (Oklahoma State) - An asymptotic relation of class number and genus for abelian extensions of a function field. (abstract)
  • 09/19/2011 - Abhishek Saha (ETH) - Determination of modular forms by Fourier coefficients. (abstract)
  • 05/16/2011 - Sheng-Chi Liu (Texas A&M) - The L^2 restriction norms of Satio-Kurokawa lifts. (abstract)
  • 05/09/2011 - Solomon Friedberg (Boston College) - Eisenstein series, crystals and ice. (abstract)
  • 05/02/2011 - Ling Long (Iowa State) - Recent developments on modular forms for noncongruence subgroups. (abstract)
  • 02/28/2011 - Jeff Hoffstein (Brown) - Shifted multiple Dirichlet series and moments of L-series. (abstract)
  • 02/21/2011 - Gautam Chinta (CUNY) - Orthogonal periods of Eisenstein series. (abstract)
  • 12/03/2010 - Noam Elkies (Harvard) - On the areas of rational triangles. (abstract)
  • 11/22/2010 - Aaron Levin (Michigan State) - Runge's effective method for integral points. (abstract)
  • 11/16/2010 - Lenny Taelman (Leiden) - The Carlitz sheaf, cyclotomic function fields, and Vandiver's conjecture. (abstract)
  • 11/15/2010 - Xiaoqing Li (SUNY Buffalo) - The L^2 restriction of a GL(3) Maass form to GL(2). (abstract)
  • 11/08/2010 - Paul Nelson (Caltech) - Equidistribution of cusp forms in the level aspect. (abstract)
  • 11/01/2010 - Eddie Herman (AIM) - Beyond Endoscopy for the Asai L-function and Quadratic Base Change. (abstract)
  • 10/25/2010 - David Goss (OSU) - The class number formula of Lenny Taelman. (abstract)
  • 10/18/2010 - Jim Cogdell (OSU) - On Local L-functions. (abstract)
  • 10/11/2010 - Yangbo Ye (Iowa) - Resonance of automorphic forms for GL(2) and GL(3). (abstract)
  • 10/04/2010 - Timothy All (OSU) - Mihailescu's Theorem (formerly Catalan's conjecture); an outline of the proof. (abstract)
More Number Theory