Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar 

  Year 2024-2025

Time: Tuesdays 10:20-11:15am
Location: MW 154 (in person) or Zoom (virtual, email the organizers for the Zoom coordinates)

Schedule of talks:


August 27  
Tue, 10:20am 
Richard Haburcak 
Distinguishing Brill-Noether loci
September 3  
Tue, 10:20am 
William Newman 
Chow Groups of Moduli Spaces Via Higher Chow Groups
September 8-11  
time TBD
room TBD
Michel Talagrand 
Special lecture by Michel Talagrand (Abel Prize 2024 winner)
September 17  
Tue, 10:20am 
Desmond Coles 
(UT Austin) 
Spherical tropicalization
October 1  
Tue, 10:20am 
Hsian-Hua Tseng 
Elliptic curves and Hilbert schemes of points
October 15  
Tue, 10:20am 
Dave Anderson 
Filtrations and recursions for Schubert modules
October 22  
Tue, 10:20am 
Linus Setiabrata 
(U. Chicago) 
Double orthodontia formulas and Lascoux positivity
October 29  
Tue, 10:20am 
Y.-P. Lee  
(A. Sinica / U. Utah) 
Quantum K-theory of Calabi-Yau threefolds
November 4-6 
room TBD
Alexei Borodin 
Rado Lecture Series 2024-25
November 12  
Tue, 10:20am 
Ian Cavey 
Enumerative formulas for Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces
November 19  
Tue, 10:20am 
Federico Moretti 
(Stony Brook U.) 
On the degree of irrationality of low genus K3 surfaces
November 26  
Tue, 10:20am 
(no seminar)  Thanksgiving week
January 21 
Tue, 10:20am 
Ishan Banerjee 
Slicing correspondences by high degree hypersurfaces
January 28 
Tue, 10:20am 
Alejandro Bravo-Doddoli 
(U. Michigan) 
Metric lines in the jet space (joint with the Differential Geometry seminar)
February 25 
Tue, 10:20am 
Michael Kemeny 
(U Wisconsin-Madison) 
A proof of generic Green's conjecture in even and odd genus
March 11  
Tue, 10:20am 
(no seminar) 
Spring Break (no seminar)
March 25  
Tue, 10:20am 
Lisa Marquand 
(Courant - NYU) 
Cubic fourfolds with birational Fano varieties of lines
March 27 
time 3:00pm
EA 0160
Melissa Liu 
(Columbia U) 
Colloquium talk: Mirror symmetry for toric Calabi-Yau threefolds
April 1  
Tue, 10:20am 
April 7-11 
time TBD
room TBD
Melanie Matchett Wood 
Zassenahaus Lecture Series 2024-25
April 15  
Tue, 10:20am 
April 22  
Tue, 10:20am 

See also the Arithmetic Geometry Seminar


(Haburcak): Classical Brill-Noether theory studies linear systems on a general curve in the moduli space Mg of algebraic curves of genus g. A refined Brill-Noether theory studies the linear systems on curves with a given Brill-Noether special linear system. As a first step, one would like to understand the stratification of Mg by Brill-Noether loci, which parameterize curves with a particular projective embedding. We'll discuss recent progress on distinguishing Brill-Noether loci and the recent resolution of the Maximal Brill-Noether loci conjecture, identifying the maximal elements of the stratification by Brill-Noether loci. This is based on joint work with Asher Auel, Andrei Bud, Andreas Leopold Knutsen, and Hannah Larson.

(Newman): One can use Bloch's higher Chow groups to compute the usual Chow groups of moduli spaces. This involves first computing the necessary higher Chow groups, and then computing the connecting homomorphism of the localization exact sequence. I will explain general techniques for performing these computations and give examples for the integral Chow groups of moduli spaces of genus 1 curves.

(Coles): In recent decades tropical geometry, the study of algebraic varieties by constructing an associated 'combinatorial shadow', has proven to be a fruitful toolkit in many areas of algebraic geometry. The starting point for constructing these shadows has often been the tropicalization of toric varieties. In this talk I will explain how tropicalization can be extended to a larger class of varieties, spherical varieties, and I will also discuss the connection with Berkovich geometry.

(Tseng): Hilbert schemes of points on the affine plane are arguably the moduli spaces of sheaves with the richest known structures. The Deligne-Mumford moduli spaces of stable curves are by far the most studied moduli spaces of varieties in algebraic geometry. Stable maps provide a system of correspondences between these moduli spaces. In particular, one can construct (cycle) classes on moduli spaces of curves from classes on Hilbert schemes. In this talk, we discuss a numerical study of these classes in the genus 1 case.

(Setiabrata): Double Grothendieck polynomials G_w(x;y) are lifts of structure sheaves of Schubert varieties in the equivariant K-theory of the flag variety. Motivated by our search for a representation-theoretic avatar for these polynomials, we give a new formula for G_w(x;y) based on Magyar's orthodontia algorithm for diagrams. We obtain a similar formula for double Schubert polynomials S_w(x;y), and a curious positivity result: For vexillary permutations w, the polynomial x_1^n \dots x_n^n S_w(x_n^{-1}, \dots, x_1^{-1}; 1, \dots, 1) is a graded nonnegative sum of Lascoux polynomials. This is joint work with Avery St. Dizier.

(Lee): The aim of this talk is to explain that on a Calabi-Yau threefold a genus zero quantum K-invariant can be written as an integral linear combination of a finite number of Gopakumar--Vafa BPS invariants with coefficients from an explicit multiple cover formula. Conversely, all Gopakumar-Vafa invariants can be determined by a finite number of quantum K-invariants in a similar manner. The technical heart is a proof of a remarkable conjecture by Hans Jockers and Peter Mayr. This result is consistent with the ''virtual Clemens conjecture'' for the Calabi-Yau threefolds, a weak version of which has been proved by John Parden in cohomology (but not in K-theory). This is a joint work with You-Cheng Chou.

(Cavey): The Hilbert schemes of points on a smooth algebraic surface are smooth varieties that parametrize finite closed subschemes of the surface of a fixed length. When the underlying surface is toric, global sections of line bundles on the surface correspond to integer points in an associated polygon. In this talk, I will explain how in certain cases the corresponding problem on the Hilbert scheme can be interpreted as a packing problem for integer points in the same polygon satisfying a certain separation condition. Such an interpretation is known for all ample line bundles on Hilbert schemes of points on Hirzebruch surfaces (for example P1 x P1) and is expected to hold more generally. Based on this counting interpretation for sections of ample line bundles, I will also give formula for the Euler characteristic of any line bundle on the Hilbert schemes of points on P1 x P1. The latter formula has applications to the Verlinde series introduced by Ellingsrud, Göttsche, and Lehn.

(Moretti): Given a projective variety, one can understand rational maps to a projective space of the same dimension in terms of the associated kernel bundle. In the case of K3 surfaces of Picard rank 1, this allows to prove that rational maps of degree at most d (induced by the primitive linear system) move in families. I will explain how, by combining vector bundle techniques with derived category methods, one can study and characterize in many cases rational maps of minimal degree for polarized K3 surfaces of genus up to 14. This can be seen as a preliminary step towards computing the degree of irrationality of these surfaces. Joint work with Andrés Rojas.

(Banerjee): We compute the approximate correspondence degree between two 'unbalanced' complete intersections. In our proof of the above result, we define new classes of subvarieties which we call dominant- k correspondences that may be of independent interest. This work can be seen as an analogue/generalisation of a paper of Levinson Ullery and Stapleton on the degree of irrationality of unbalanced complete intersections. This talk is based on joint work with David Stapleton.

(Bravo-Doddoli): In the framework of sub-Riemannian Manifolds, a relevant question is: what are the metric lines (isometric embedding of the real line)? The space of k-jets of a real function of one real variable x admits the structure of a Carnot group. Every Carnot group is a sub-Riemannian manifold, and so is the k-jets. This talk aims to present a partial result about classifying the metric lines within the k-jets and introduce the sequence method, a new approach to the problem.

(Kemeny): We show how to give a rather quick and easy proof of generic Green's conjecture in both even and odd genus.

(Marquand): Cubic fourfolds have been classically studied up to birational equivalence, with an eye towards rationality problems. On the other hand, the Fano variety of lines F(X) on a cubic fourfold X is a hyperkahler manifold, and the rationality/irrationality of X is conjecturely reflected in the geometry of the Fano variety of lines. We give examples of conjecturally irrational cubic fourfolds with birationally equivalent Fano varieties of lines. Two of our examples, which are special families in C12, provide new examples of pairs of cubic fourfolds with equivalent Kuznetsov components. Further, we show the cubic fourfolds themselves are birational. Our examples were discovered by studying the group of birational transformations of the Fano varieties of lines of these cubic fourfolds. This is joint work with Corey Brooke and Sarah Frei, building on our previous work with Xuqiang Qin.

(Liu): Mirror symmetry relates symplectic geomery on a Calabi-Yau threefold X to complex geometry on a mirror Calabi-Yau threefold Y. When X is a symplectic toric Calabi-Yau threefold, the complex geometry on Y can be described in terms of a Riemann surface known as the mirror curve of X. I will describe a version of mirror symmetry relating counting holomorphic curves in a symplectic toric Calabi-Yau threefold to certain integrals along 1-cycles on its mirror curve. This talk is based joint work with Bohan Fang, Song Yu, and Zhengyu Zong.

Past Seminars

Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Year 2023-2024

Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Year 2022-2023

Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Year 2021-2022

Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Year 2020-2021

Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Year 2019-2020

Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Year 2018-2019

Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Year 2017-2018

Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Year 2016-2017

Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Year 2015-2016

Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Year 2014-2015

Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Year 2013-2014

This page is maintained by Angie Cueto and Dave Anderson.