Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry SeminarYear 2024-2025Time: Tuesdays 10:20-11:15amLocation: MW 154 (in person) or Zoom (virtual, email the organizers for the Zoom coordinates) |
August 27
Tue, 10:20am | Richard Haburcak
(OSU) |
Distinguishing Brill-Noether loci |
September 3
Tue, 10:20am | William Newman
(OSU) |
Chow Groups of Moduli Spaces Via Higher Chow Groups |
September 8-11
time TBD room TBD | Michel Talagrand
(CNRS) |
Special lecture by Michel Talagrand (Abel Prize 2024 winner) |
September 17
Tue, 10:20am |
Desmond Coles
(UT Austin) |
Spherical tropicalization |
September 24
Tue, 10:20am | TBA
() |
October 1
Tue, 10:20am | Hsian-Hua Tseng
(OSU) |
Elliptic curves and Hilbert schemes of points |
October 8
Tue, 10:20am | TBA
() |
October 15
Tue, 10:20am | Linda Chen
(Swarthmore) |
October 22
Tue, 10:20am | Linus Setiabrata
(U. Chicago) |
October 29
Tue, 10:20am | TBA
() |
November 4-6
4:15pm room TBD | Alexei Borodin
(MIT) |
Rado Lecture Series 2024 |
November 12
Tue, 10:20am | Ian Cavey
(UIUC) |
November 19
Tue, 10:20am | TBA
() |
November 26
Tue, 10:20am | (no seminar) | Thanksgiving week |
December 3
Tue, 10:20am | TBA
() |
January 7
Tue, 10:20am | TBA
( ) |
January 14
Tue, 10:20am | TBA
( ) |
January 21
Tue, 10:20am | TBA
( ) |
January 28
Tue, 10:20am | TBA
( ) |
February 4
Tue, 10:20am | TBA
( ) |
February 11
Tue, 10:20am | TBA
( ) |
February 18
Tue, 10:20am | TBA
( ) |
February 25
Tue, 10:20am | TBA
( ) |
March 4
Tue, 10:20am | TBA
() |
March 11
Tue, 10:20am | (no seminar)
() |
Spring Break (no seminar) |
March 18
Tue, 10:20am | TBA
() |
March 25
Tue, 10:20am | TBA
() |
April 1
Tue, 10:20am | TBA
() |
April 8
Tue, 10:20am | TBA
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April 15
Tue, 10:20am | TBA
() |
April 22
Tue, 10:20am | TBA
() |
See also the Arithmetic Geometry Seminar
(Haburcak): Classical Brill-Noether theory studies linear systems on a general curve in the moduli space Mg of algebraic curves of genus g. A refined Brill-Noether theory studies the linear systems on curves with a given Brill-Noether special linear system. As a first step, one would like to understand the stratification of Mg by Brill-Noether loci, which parameterize curves with a particular projective embedding. We'll discuss recent progress on distinguishing Brill-Noether loci and the recent resolution of the Maximal Brill-Noether loci conjecture, identifying the maximal elements of the stratification by Brill-Noether loci. This is based on joint work with Asher Auel, Andrei Bud, Andreas Leopold Knutsen, and Hannah Larson.
(Newman): One can use Bloch's higher Chow groups to compute the usual Chow groups of moduli spaces. This involves first computing the necessary higher Chow groups, and then computing the connecting homomorphism of the localization exact sequence. I will explain general techniques for performing these computations and give examples for the integral Chow groups of moduli spaces of genus 1 curves.
(Coles): In recent decades tropical geometry, the study of algebraic varieties by constructing an associated 'combinatorial shadow', has proven to be a fruitful toolkit in many areas of algebraic geometry. The starting point for constructing these shadows has often been the tropicalization of toric varieties. In this talk I will explain how tropicalization can be extended to a larger class of varieties, spherical varieties, and I will also discuss the connection with Berkovich geometry.
(Tseng): Hilbert schemes of points on the affine plane are arguably the moduli spaces of sheaves with the richest known structures. The Deligne-Mumford moduli spaces of stable curves are by far the most studied moduli spaces of varieties in algebraic geometry. Stable maps provide a system of correspondences between these moduli spaces. In particular, one can construct (cycle) classes on moduli spaces of curves from classes on Hilbert schemes. In this talk, we discuss a numerical study of these classes in the genus 1 case.
(Setiabrata): TBD
(Cavey): TBD
(Chen): TBD
Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Year 2023-2024
Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Year 2022-2023
Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Year 2021-2022
Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Year 2020-2021
Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Year 2019-2020
Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Year 2018-2019
Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Year 2017-2018
Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Year 2016-2017
Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Year 2015-2016
Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Year 2014-2015
Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar-Year 2013-2014
This page is maintained by Angie Cueto.